WellcommDC [6.10.24]

WellcommDC: The Best of the DMV's Wellness Community

WellcommDC is the email newsletter bringing you the best of the DMV’s wellness community. Transform your self, transform your community, and transform your world. Join the list, and get WellcommDC sent directly to your inbox. Have a friend who would love WellcommDC? Then please forward our email or tag them on one of our IG posts. Email your tips to [email protected] or slide into our DMs.

[HIGH FIVE] We gave a High Five to Rachel Hoffman (@rachel.s.hoffman), a certified strength coach and run coach, coach at Elevate Interval Fitness, and long-time senior master coach at [solidcore].

WellcommDC: Where do you work…out?

Rachel Hoffman: I mostly workout at Elevate Interval Fitness and VIDA. I am training for a marathon which is a lot of time alone running. It’s nice to have a space to workout with this fun community and get a great workout. It also keeps me close enough to HYROX training for when I pivot back into prepping for a HYROX race. VIDA is my gym, and I’m always grateful for the sheer volume of barbells in that space. You can also find me at [solidcore], of course.

WDC: What does “wellness” mean to you?

RH: For me, wellness is really multidimensional and is about aligning my actions with intentions that support my overall state of being and feeling my best. I think this includes obvious physical aspects, but also emotional, mental, financial, and social aspects of well-being.

WDC: Who are some people who inspire you, motivate you, or keep you accountable when it comes to your wellness?

RH: I am incredibly lucky to know people with inspiring stories, so much education, and strong character who have deeply impacted me. First among them is my husband, trainer colleague, and teammate in everything, Craig Hoffman (@craig_hoffman). I have learned so much with and from Craig, and I’m a better athlete and coach today because of him. Craig’s mentor, Craig Gorres (@trainergorres), is also a titan of the industry, and I consider him family. He has worked with the most elite athletes but dedicates the same energy to all his clients. His methodology and morals inspire me. This is also a fiercely male-dominated field, so I’m grateful for strong women in the space, including Elise Caldwell (@elise_fittt), a superstar athletic trainer to the best and brightest in the NBA, Triana Brown (@trianaaaaa), my mentor at [solidcore] and our product visionary, and Meghann Featherstun (@featherstonenutrition), the sports dietitian the people deserve. Her nutrition advice helps runners in particular fuel for life, performance, and enjoyment of the sport. Her work changed my relationship with running, and I’m forever grateful. Alex Shabo (@alshabes) inspires athletes to take on the challenge of HYROX in ways that are so supportive and uplifting. Last but not least, I’d be remiss to not mention the strong team at Elevate Interval Fitness. David Magida (@davidmagida), Eric “Ric” Williams (@runricrun), and Jamel Clark (@jameltc78) built something so special, and as a woman, a coach, and an athlete, I am grateful to have found a space where I feel challenged, supported, encouraged, and safe. They take their responsibility to create an inclusive gym and effective, safe training program seriously, and it shows. There are countless coaches and clients who have enriched my life just by showing up as themselves, and I am so grateful for all of them.

WDC: What are your wellness goals over the next twelve months?

RH: I am training for a marathon and want to make myself proud in October for that race. I also ran HYROX Mixed Doubles in March with Craig, but I had a sprained ankle because I got unlucky three days before the race. I feel like I have a redemption race coming for that to throw down a faster time. We were an hour nineteen, but I felt like I was jog-limping. I am also studying neuroscience, psychology, and their intersections in fitness and training. My education started last year, and I’m really excited to contribute to the space in a meaningful way to support athletes. My studies are in an emerging field with peer-reviewed research demonstrating how weight-lifting and training modalities can be a therapeutic intervention for trauma survivors. I am wary about this offering because I have started to see the TikTokification of this kind of therapy-speak pop up on social channels, especially in fitness. Unfortunately, not everything on social media is real, and I see a lot of snake oil around this work bringing about risk for athletes. It reinforces my need to do this work extremely “right” under the study of licensed and certified professionals. My goal is to earn appropriate credentials and offer credible support and training modalities for clients in a way that is genuinely inclusive and supportive.

WDC: What advice would you share with someone looking to change their wellness routine?

RH: Change can be incredibly tough, so I think it’s important to understand what’s motivating the change. Are you looking for more or less of something? Is there a specific goal you’re looking to accomplish? Sitting with those kinds of questions can be really helpful for navigating change. It’s also important to remember that wellness isn’t a monolith: we should celebrate and prioritize the individual. We have unique needs, and what works for someone may not work for someone else; that doesn’t mean something is necessarily “wrong.” Lastly, progress is frustratingly not linear. Take setbacks in stride, embrace lessons, and recognize that the journey should be as great as arriving at the destination. If you can find joy in those moments, then anything is possible.

Know someone who deserves a High Five? Click here to submit your nomination so we can feature them in a future WellcommDC High Five profile.

[TRAP YOGA] Get ready to elevate your 808s and flow because Trap & RNB Yoga is back at The Morrow Hotel every Sunday at 10 am and 11:30 am all summer long, June through August. Join Brandon Christopher Alexander Copeland (@brandoflows) as he leads a transformative experience blending yoga, dance, and meditation. [Yoga With The Homies]

[SUMMER SOLSTICE] Celebrate the Summer Solstice on Thursday, June 20th with PureFire Yoga, one of Bethesda, MD’s premier hot yoga studios. Sign up to supercharge your day with the intensity and vitality of the longest day of the year. PureFire’s instructors will help you embrace the power of the Solstice to revitalize your body and mind, keeping you at the top of your game. [Happy Solstice]

[REMINDER & REQUEST] Mark your calendars for International Yoga Day on June 21th. Since the word “yoga” means “to join or “to unite,” let us know: how are you joining or uniting with others that day? If you have a special event around the DMV to celebrate International Yoga Day, send it our way, and it just might end up in next week’s edition of WellcommDC. [Namaste, Yogis]

[CREATOR CLASS] HUSTLE DMV and The DC Influence are hosting a Content Creator Class on Sunday, June 23rd at noon in Arlington, VA. This three hour experience will include a spin class, a strength class, and time for socializing and content creation. This event is energized by a whole group of sponsors like GORGIE, LMNT, Earth Sugar, SOUTH BLOCK, and Boxed Water. [Smile And Grind]

That’s this edition of WellcommDC. Like what you read? Join the list, and get future editions sent directly to your inbox. Have a friend who needs WellcommDC? Then please forward our email or tag them on one of our IG posts. Got tips? Drop us a line at [email protected] or slide in. Until next time, take care of yourself, and take care of each other.

Go For It,

Your WellcommDC Team (@wellcommdc)

Transform Your Self. Transform Your Community. Transform Your World.