WellcommDC [4.15.24]

The Best of the DMV's Wellness Community

WellcommDC is the email newsletter bringing you the best of the DMV’s wellness community. Transform your self, transform your community, and transform your world. Join the list, and get WellcommDC sent directly to your inbox. Have a friend who would love WellcommDC? Then please forward our email or tag them on IG. Email your tips to [email protected] or slide into our DMs.

[HIGH FIVE] We gave a High Five to Alex Shabo (@alshabes), a coach at Elevate and CutSeven in Washington, DC.

WellcommDC: Where do you work…out?

Alex Shabo: I coach at Elevate and Cut Seven, most recently started coaching PACED DC through The Lab DC. More times than not, I am pushing right along with the athletes I coach daily or lacing up to run around the DMV. Special shoutout to David (@davidmagida) + Eric (@runricrun) who introduced me to Hybrid Athlete, a small group Hyrox focused program at Elevate which has changed the game for my own personal fitness (+ many others), along with Mike (@mikesavitch) at The Conditioning Room (@theconditioningroom) which is still one of my favorite cross the river drop ins. 

WDC: What does “wellness” mean to you?

AS: While wellness can apply to every aspect of someone's life, to me it means showing up in every room and moving (or not moving) as a way that feels authentic to you. Everyone has seasons of movement and seasons of life that can change what wellness may look like for them. It is allowing yourself to fully embrace what fills your cup outside of all the 'shoulds' that are created and not holding judgement as those seasons adjust. 

WDC: What are your wellness goals over the next twelve months?

AS: I dove pretty deep into Hyrox races this last year so while I am still a rookie in the sport, I am working these next twelve months on my running capacity, strength output, and race strategy to see what I can do. I have a Pro race in Anaheim in May followed by two races at the Hyrox World Championships in Nice, France in June. Qualifying individually in a Pro race and in doubles with my absolute beast friend Katy was a big highlight of this last season. Coming up, I am also doing Race the Perimeter in DC with some pretty amazing folks and a Deka Strong Doubles with my fellow coach Sarah (@sarahcttr), the only person I know that makes an assault bike look easy. 

WDC: Who are some people who inspire you, motivate you, or keep you accountable when it comes to your wellness?

AS: I have to say, the athletes I work with daily are who inspire me to be a better coach and better athlete. I have been so fortunate to be part of many of their 'firsts', whether it is getting to the start line of their first race, hitting their highest sumo deadlift weight, landing their first box jump, you name it. I am lucky to have those athletes that put their trust in me and require me to keep raising that bar for myself. If I could shout them all out, I would. I am lucky to have fellow coaches that have been in my corner + keep me loving what I do. 

WDC: What advice would you share with someone looking to change their wellness routine?

AS: Take a step back and be honest about what it is you want to prioritize at that point in time. There is no wrong way to change your routine and there is no shame in asking for support from those in your community, it starts with just a small step towards that bigger goal. 

Know someone who we should highlight? Click here to submit your nomination for a future WellcommDC High Five profile.

[SPRING FEVER] Explore Ayurveda, Chakras, and Mindfulness to answer the question: “Where does all this energy come from?” Thursday, April 18 6 - 8 pm @ Wyrd Bookstore in Edgewater, Maryland. [HT Megan Twining (@megan.twining)]

[PARKWAY CLASSIC] Lace up for the upcoming PNC Parkway Classic on Saturday, April 28. You can tackle the 5K, the 10-miler or cheer on the little ones in the Kids Dash as they all wind through Old Town, Virginia. [A classic since day one]

[WERC] Question for all of you who joined the West End Running Club @ Call Your Mother Bagels for a run last week: Do you get the Bacon Sun City before or after the run? [good vibes only]

[EVENT] Join Sunscape Collective in Georgetown on Sunday, April 21 for a pilates and bullet journal workshop at Alkova. [HT Lindsey Rook (@lindspire)]

That’s this edition of WellcommDC. Like what you read? Join the list, and get future editions sent directly to your inbox. Have a friend who needs WellcommDC? Then please forward our email or tag them on IG. Tips/questions/comments? Drop us a line at [email protected] or slide in. Until next time, take care of yourself, and take care of each other.

Go For It,

Your WellcommDC Team (@wellcommdc)

Transform Your Self. Transform Your Community. Transform Your World.