WellcommDC [3.4.24]

The Best of the DMV's Wellness Community

WellcommDC is the email newsletter bringing you the best of the DMV’s wellness community. Transform your self, transform your community, and transform your world. Join the list, and get WellcommDC sent directly to your inbox. Have a friend who would love WellcommDC? Then please forward our email or tag them on IG. Email your tips/questions/comments to [email protected] or slide into our DMs.

[HIGH FIVE] We gave a High Five to Isiah “Zay” James (@brolicbyzay), a full time trainer at Equinox Sports Club DC who also trains private clients locally and nationally.

WellcommDC: Where do you work…out?

Isiah “Zay” James: I’m a full time trainer at Equinox Sports Club DC, but I also train my private clients in my apartment complex, The Burton, in NE DC. I train a few people virtually, as well, who live in various locations around the country.

WDC: What does “wellness” mean to you?

IJ: When I think about wellness, I think about longevity and quality of life: that’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It sounds cliche, but I really believe the human body is limitless and capable of more things than people give it credit for, so that’s how I approach my training and, ultimately, my life. I want to max out on my potential and be as resilient as possible, so that’s how I approach training for myself and for my clients. That’s not to say that I don’t enjoy doing “bad” or “unhealthy” things, but I just pick and choose when I indulge so I don’t interfere too much with my overall goals.

WDC: What motivates you to take care of your wellness?

IJ: First, I’d say the overall health disparity that I saw in my neighborhood and community growing up. Also, growing up as an athlete, I think I took my health for granted in some ways, but when I got my first major injury, it kind of reshaped how I approached training and life. And second, seeing dope people in the wellness and fitness space keeps me motivated. I’ve been lucky to work with and learn from some amazing people, and that’s energy I feed off of. Seeing the way other people grind, approach their craft, and help their clients keeps me motivated and gives me something to look up to. I can name so many people who have helped me and put me on game either directly or indirectly, so I just try to pay that forward to the next person or other people.

WDC: What are your wellness goals over the next twelve months?

IJ: My goals over the next twelve months are to, first, stay as healthy as I can so I can play the sports and do the activities that I love to do. I’m a natural competitor, so my training is usually driven by whatever activity or sport I’m into at the moment. My second goal is to continue to get outside my comfort zone with the types of training I do whether that’s doing more group workouts, endurance-style training, and more.

WDC: What advice would you share with someone looking to change their wellness routine?

IJ: I’d say start small. Attack the low hanging fruit first. I think a lot of people get overwhelmed because they think wellness should look and feel a certain way, but ultimately everybody’s different, so our journeys are going to be different. You have to find what works for you and stick to it. Like I said, start off with small habits and small wins, then build from there.

[NOW OPEN] WØRK, a strength and performance studio, is officially open at Union Market. Huge shoutout to founders Burns Foster (@_coach.burns_) and Katie Collard (@katie_collard) on the opening. Check out their website to book your next class. [HT Caren Plummer (@care_plummer)]

[CONGRATS] Congrats to everyone who competed in HYROX’ North American Open Championships in DC! We loved this video from besties Maddie Smith (@onthemovewithmad) and Maggie Morris (@magswagmorris) who met a year ago at a local gym and absolutely crushed it in Hydrox Doubles. [They’ll Be Back]

[EVENT] We’re psyched about a Lululemon powered series, HEARNED IT, launching today, Monday, March 4th, at Union Station. From Radiance Basden (@energy2radiance): “A three-part series fitness commemoration and celebration honoring the birthday of Coach Marcus Hearn (@mr_hearn)…With over 20 years of expertise in running, training, and coaching, Coach Hearn left an indelible mark on the fitness landscape. Sadly, he passed away in August 2023 from a motorcycle accident.” This weeklong event honors his legacy in DC’s fitness community. Get more info and register here. [HT Caren Plummer (@care_plummer)]

[RUN CLUB] Shoutout to this Sunday morning running club in Hyattsville, MD. They’re meeting weekly at 9 am at Vigilante Coffee for “three friendly miles around the neighborhood” as they prepare for the Azalea Classic in May. [Hyattsville Runs On Vigilante]

That’s this edition of WellcommDC. Like what you read? Join the list, and get future editions sent directly to your inbox. Have a friend who needs WellcommDC? Then please forward our email or tag them on IG. Tips/questions/comments? Drop us a line at [email protected] or slide in. Until next time, take care of yourself, and take care of each other.

Go For It,

Your WellcommDC Team (@wellcommdc)

Transform Your Self. Transform Your Community. Transform Your World.