WellcommDC [12.25.23]

The Best of the DMV's Wellness Community

Wellcomm, DC. WellcommDC is your source for the best of the DMV’s wellness community. Transform your self, transform your community, and transform your world. Join the list, and get WellcommDC sent directly to your inbox. Have a friend who would love WellcommDC? Then please forward our email or tag them on IG. Email your tips/questions/comments to [email protected] or slide into our DMs.

[HIGH FIVE] We gave a High Five to Austin J Winger (@favoritechannel), a DC area personal trainer and nutrition coach.

WellcommDC: Where do you work…out?

Austin J Winger: I workout at BASH Boxing and Life Time Athletic Club. However, it is important to have a culture of movement anywhere. I enjoy biking, hiking, running, and swimming, as well.

WDC: What does “wellness” mean to you?

AW: Wellness to me means having the capacity to live in a way that makes you happy.

WDC: What motivates you to take care of your wellness?

AW: What motivates me to take care of my wellness are the possibilities that things can keep getting better and better. Even if you don’t see it, if you persist in the right actions, things will get better. Perhaps even better than you imagined.

WDC: What are your wellness goals over the next twelve months?

AW: I want to do more competitions. A lot of work on your physical, mental, and emotional well being is quiet, private work. I want to publicize my efforts and results, increase my self-efficacy, and inspire others to do the same.

WDC: What advice would you share with someone looking to change their wellness routine?

AW: Find a community that values and celebrates what you are seeking to do or achieve. When surrounded by like-minded peers, your progress will be accelerated and you’ll stick to it longer. We are in this together.

Want to nominate someone for a future High Five? Reach out to us and share why you’re nominating them!

[OPENING] Cut Seven opened its flagship location in Arlington last Thursday. Patch’s Mark Hand reports, “the 5,000-square foot space, at 3101 Wilson Blvd across from the Clarendon Metro station, is now open. The new studio has indoor and outdoor space, as well as a cold plunge, sauna and recovery area. [Taking The Plunge]

Did you chill with Alex, Chris, and the Cut Seven crew on Saturday at their Holiday Hang? Let us know!

[INNOVATING] Train’s five-lane gym concept is taking off in McLean. In their own words: “A luxury private personal training facility where you train in your own dedicated lane. No sharing, no waiting, no excuses.” [In Train We Trust]

[WEDDING OTF] Congratulations to Coach Kim (@kimschaeffer) and Colin (@c_rubel)! We hope you crushed your wedding celebration class on Saturday with Coach Joe W (@joeey_w) at OTF Fairfax City. [Sweat & Tears Of Joy]

[UPCOMING] On January 14th and 15th, Yoga Heights is partnering with María Elena (@meechiemontero) and the DC Audubon Society on a two-day workshop that combines yoga and birding. They’ll explore “the special connection the outdoors has with our mind, body, and spirit.” [Put A Bird On It]

That’s this edition of WellcommDC. Like what you read? Join the list, and get future editions sent directly to your inbox. Have a friend who needs WellcommDC? Then please forward our email or tag them on IG. Tips/questions/comments? Drop us a line at [email protected] or slide in. Until next time, take care of yourself, and take care of each other.

Go For It,

Your WellcommDC Team (@wellcommdc)

Transform Your Self. Transform Your Community. Transform Your World.